"Fine," a short story inspired by Elaine's experiences with
televisions (and other major appliances) that occasionally
disappeared from her childhood home, appears in Carte Blanche Literary Magazine Issue 43, June 2022. The story can be read here:
televisions (and other major appliances) that occasionally
disappeared from her childhood home, appears in Carte Blanche Literary Magazine Issue 43, June 2022. The story can be read here:
Elaine's short story "The Stand of Flamingos" appears in (M)othering; an anthology edited by Anne Sorbie and Heidi Grogan. This anthology is available at or through booksellers worldwide, including:
www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/m-othering-an-anthology/9781771339124-item.html?ikwid=anne+sorbie&ikwsec=Home&ikwidx=0#algoliaQueryId=ccadac182b9cc2235793cc5915795243 www.barnesandnoble.com/w/bookheidi-grogan/1140990850?ean=9781771339124 |

Elaine's short story "Pins and Needles" appears in the Spring 2017 issue of Grain Magazine, a publication of the Saskatchewan Writers' Guild.

Elaine's short story "Thaw" is in Writing Menopause: An Anthology of Fiction, Poetry and Creative Nonfiction edited by Jane Cawthorne and E.D. Morin. It is available through your local bookseller or:

Elaine wrote Chapter 3 "Expiration Date" in At the Edge: A Collaborative Novel edited by Marjorie Anderson and Deborah Schnitzer. At the Edge is a novel collectively written by writers who collaborated with Canada’s renowned authors Gail Anderson-Dargatz and Jack Hodgins.

Elaine's essay "The Goodness-of-fit" is in Somebody's Child: Stories About Adoption, edited by Bruce Gillespie and Lynne Van Luven. The anthology is available from booksellers worldwide.